Happy Friday friends! I am more thankful for the weekend than ever! Hooray!
I started my full-time nanny job this week. There have been a few "hiccups", but I am really hoping to love it more once I get into the swing of things and get to know the girls better! They are definitely long days!

not the worst view ;)
This weekend is a Lexington weekend! That's enough for a celebration in and of itself! I sure do love Louisville and cannot wait to officially call it home again, but Lexington will always hold such a special place in my heart!
I am currently in the midst of moving four times in ten months. Gosh, it is a little stressful! Right now, I have moved home for the summer (almost 4 months), then moving back into my house BUT in a different room, then moving back home for about 3 months, then moving....to be a wife and live with a boy. wut. CRAZY! Tips for this anyone?
Life is crazy, but oh so sweet! Prior to April 18th, I pictured my summer to be pretty low key, and to contain lots of down time, but say it ain't so - that's just not happening! Every weeknight has been full of venue + photog meetings, dinners or coffee with friends, or just something! There is always something. I am loving it so far! I was unsure about how I felt about living at home for the summer, but one week in I am absolutely loving it!

potential venue? love my city!
tacos & ice cream celebrating seis de mayo! love this friend!
I am looking to start a new Bible study for the summer. Any suggestions? I am really open to anything! I love workbooks! I'll be doing it solo, so I'd really love some opinions on what you have loved. Trying to get one last deep Bible study in by myself before Tyler and I start reading books + preparing our hearts for marriage in the fall! CRAY.
attempting productivity in my happy place during frappy hour. the best.
Have a great weekend friends! So thankful!
Glad I came across your adorable blog via the link-up! Congrats on new job and I hope you love it! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! xoxo