Saturday, March 1, 2014

Playing Catch-Up

Oh, how I have missed writing. A lot of super great things have happened since Janaury 24th, though. Let me fill you in on a few. 

 I have become a gym person. I love working out, I really do! I made a decision to join the YMCA (it's only $15/month, score!) and it has been the best decision! I have gotten a routine with cardio + weights and I am already seeing results from going about four days a week. Hooray! 

 I started my practicum in a first grade classroom. I could fill books with how much I am loving it. The students are hilarious and I am smiling all day. The alarm clock is early, but I am so blessed to know without a doubt I have found my calling doing something I absolutely love. 

 I got two summer jobs and have found myself having to choose! Praise God! 
We got three all star new leaders on our Wydlife team. We are in the middle of a transition phase but God has been so faithful to us! 

 There are probably more, but that about catches y'all up on my life! I am excited to get back into the swing of things, even thought that "swing" is going to look very, very different! Hooray! 

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