Yay for my first Wedding Wednesday post! I do not want this whole blog to go wedding crazy (We have these girls for that!) but I look forward to doing a little wedding check up on Wednesdays for the next ten months or so! So, let's get to it,
The Proposal:April 18, 2014
Friday rolled around like any other day. I babysat the Wilmhoff girls in the morning, did Mary Todd soccer ministry that afternoon, and then got ready for a date night of The Dish, taking pictures with our fancy cameras at The Arboretum, and then Graeters, of course. Dinner was great- nothing was abnormal. Except for the fact that Tyler was wearing a blazer, I thought that was a little strange- I actually begged him to take it off because I thought he was over dressed- little did I know a little shiny diamond ring was hidden in that blazer pocket.
We got to the arboretum, and began taking pictures. First, there was yoga going on in a random garden in front of a fountain. Tyler got extremely confused and upset and I begged him to be quiet because they could hear him! Turns out that is the spot where the video camera was set up..so womp there's no video! We walked around aimlessly- until my camera died and we walked all the way back to the car to get his fully charged DSLR. On the way there, I asked when our friend's Shelby and Graham (who had gotten engaged 2 weeks prior) were getting married, and then complained about how she had so much more time to plan. Tyler got annoyed and said something to the effect of "stop pressuring me". Way to go Tyler, any thought I had of a proposal was gone! We had planned to get engaged in the fall.
We then continue to walk aimlessly around the arboretum. I got sick of Tyler taking my pictures (I even referred to him as a creepy dad for directing my pictures so loudly when people were around!). Little did I know he was trying to find out where our photog friend was staked out at this point!
Finally, I say I am done getting my pictures made! What the heck would I do with 10000 pictures of myself? Tyler then insists on getting his picture taken by me- very strange. I though what the heck are you going to do with all of these pictures!? But with Tyler- you learn to expect the unexpected and roll with his crazy plans.
After I take about three pictures of Tyler, all of the sudden he is down on his knee proposing. I honestly thought he fell. It was such a blur- I honestly am still not 100% sure of one word he said. Thankfully, he wrote it down :) The ring is beautiful and everything I ever dreamed of having! Seriously, I cannot stop staring at it! Right after, about twenty five of our closest friends all gathered at my Bible study leader's house for a little "surprise" engagement party! It was basically the best night ever! I am so thankful for our friends who consistently love us so well! The whole night was insanely perfect!!
Our photographer friend Elizabeth (Elizabeth Meriwether Photography) captured the whole thing. They seriously are so great and I still cannot stop looking at them! I am so thankful to have these perfect pictures of that sweet moment and the hours after :)

Honestly, we are still on cloud nine and enjoying being engaged! It is so fun to talk about things when they are actually going to be REAL! I am excited to do Wedding Wednesday posts (and get back to blogging in general) but most of all I am excited to be Tyler's wife in just a little over ten months!
Happy Wednesday friends!! Yay!